Bachelors of science
from Full Sail University
focusing on
Web Technologies
I am a Gen X who enjoys kayaking, raising chickens and engineering projects. I have previously studied aviation maintenance and have worked on cars since I have been old enough to do so. I enjoy finding innovative new ways to solve problems.
I am an aspiring web developer working on both front end UX / UI design and backend implementation of websites. I work with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and PHP. I am looking for a steady position within the corporate world while also pursuing independent contract opportunities.
Following the latest standards set by the W3C as best practices to maintain browser Compatibility.
Utilizing up to date standards for styling websites with the latest CSS technology. Also including up to date standards such as utilizing Flexbox. Familiar with CSS preprocessors such as SCSS.
Ability to work with JavaScript for interactive web applications.
Ability to work within the latest version of PHP to implement backend functionality.